This month, we wanted to uplift the work that our many interns have contributed throughout 2020 and early 2021. Despite challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hard work of these students has
enabled us to continue moving our initiatives forward, while also producing valuable guides and reports, conducting interviews, planning events, and contributing to evaluation efforts. Our 2020-2021 interns
have made significant contributions to many aspects of our work:
- Developed Elected Official Impact Reports – Yuanxin Ma, Casey Linsenbardt, and Bailey Spiegelberg
- Created a Medicaid Expansion Toolkit – Mikayla Frye
- Conducted policy research, engaged elected officials, and created issue briefs – Amanda Garrison, Lauren Norton, and Casey Linsenbardt
- Data Analysis and Partner Engagement support for the Perinatal Behavioral Health Initiative – Lauren Norton
- Created Safe Sleep City Sector Checklists and conducted Safe Sleep City Planning related to policy and advocacy – Amanda Garrison
Community Engagement & Community-Led Investment
- Evaluated FLOURISH’s Community Mobilization & Innovation Grant Process for Continuous Quality Improvement – Madison Candela
- Supported FLOURISH MORE through community engagement, housing sector stakeholder interviews, attending FLOURISH More Ad Hoc Meetings, planning a Clinton Peabody Survival Pack Event, and creating a Housing & Infant Mortality Guide – Whitney Anderson and Molly Lowery
Infant Health Action Team
- Created a Safe Sleep City Guide and Safe Sleep City Sector Checklists, assisted with Safe Sleep Summit planning, and attended Infant Health Action Team Meetings – Rachel Webster
Epidemiology & Evaluation
- Led a focus group, conducted key stakeholder interviews, and created a report for Storytelling for Systems Change – Mikayla Frye
- Developed recommendations for the Fetal & Infant Mortality Review – Mikayla Frye
- Managed evaluation and led data visualization for FLOURISH’s COVID-19 grants – Brittani Nelson
- Reported data for partnership with the St. Louis Diaper Bank & Alliance for Period Supplies – Brittani Nelson
- Coordinated Impact & Improvement Town Halls – Mikayla Frye
Generate Health has been honored to work with these emerging professionals in the Maternal & Child Health field. The experience these interns have both brought to and gained from the internship experience will have a long-lasting impact in the Maternal & Child Health workforce.
“During my time at Generate Health, I’ve been able to learn a lot about what it means to include community members in decision-making spaces. I was able to attend the Community Leader’s Cabinet and experience the passion and dedication that this group really has for addressing infant and maternal mortality. I’m so happy that I’ve been able to be a part of this work. I’ve also been able to learn about the impact of the COVID-19 grants and get hands-on experience with impact evaluation. It is really great to see the impact of the resources and how things have come together to support the community,” says Brittani Nelson, a current intern with Generate Health. Madison Candela, another current intern, notes, “Generate Health has also provided me with many opportunities to attend meetings with system leaders and community leaders.”
We look forward to seeing how these students continue to shape the Maternal & Child Health field and improve outcomes for Black moms and babies.