Ambassador Board
The Generate Health Ambassador Board (GHAB) supports the overall mission and activities of Generate Health by engaging passionate volunteers as ambassadors, fundraisers and advocates. The purpose of the group is to raise funds to support Generate Health, increase awareness of racial inequities in maternal and infant health in its members’ social and business networks, and to create an exciting environment where its members can deepen their understanding of community issues, gain governance experience, and socialize.
Current Members:
Taylor Bass
Ashley Bankston
Mashega ‘Shega’ Bryan
Jasmine Carter
Ami Danmole
Alecia Deal, GHAB Lead
Sonia Deal
Ibura Dehaan
Jasmine Evans
Alica Hall
Eboni Hooper-Boateng
Cassie Jensen
Ambur Pankins
Tamia Smith
Regina Sullivan
Nia Sumpter
Vivian Williams
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