We are Advocates

We amplify the lived experience of Black women and birthing people and organize networks of advocates to respond to threats, support policies, and creatively leverage resources to advance equity in Black maternal and infant health.

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Our Advocacy Agenda

Advocacy Agenda

Advocacy Toolkit

Advocacy Toolkit 2022

Missouri Legislator Directory

2022 Legislator Directory

Legislative Report Card

2022 Legislative Report Card

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Advocate One-Pagers

Advocacy One-Pages

Bill Tracker

Generate Health tracks policies that advance or hinder equity Black maternal and infant health. We use the Fast Democracy platform to stay up-to-date on these policies. Click on a category below to see the bills we are tracking and read notes on the bills.

Reach out to your representatives to tell them how you feel about a specific bill! Use our Missouri Legislator Directory to find your legislators’ contact information.

Infant Health

Maternal Health

Health Equity & Safety Net

Social Determinants of Health

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