Three Change Makers Honored

by | Oct 28, 2018 | Blog, News

On October 25, 2018, Generate Health honored 3 inspiring leaders at the 10th Annual Standing Up for Mothers and Babies Awards Celebration.

The Generate Health board of directors initiated this annual awards event to place a spotlight on the importance of individuals and organizations in diverse sectors contributing to improving the health of women and children.

The Awards Luncheon committee solicited nominees and selected those who embody the purpose of the awards and who will inspire us all.  This committee had the difficult task of narrowing a very deserving field of nominees who are serving the St. Louis area’s mothers and babies.

Watch the video profiles to learn more about our 2018 honorees.

Dr. Vetta Sanders Thompson, PhD was honored with the Dr. Terry Leet Researcher Award

Jamaa Birth Village was honored with the Dr. Corinne Walentik Provider Champion Award

Kim Martino-Sexton was honored with the Alderman Gregory Carter Community Champion Award

Thank you to all our sponsors for making the event a success.

SSM Health and Barnes Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children’s Hospital returned this year as Platinum Sponsors.  Silver sponsors included: Emerging Wisdom, Home State Health, Mercy, Missouri Foundation for Health, Missouri Care, Pfizer, Polsinelli, Standing Partnership, Brown School at Washington University, Clark-Fox Policy Institute, United HealthCare Community Plan, and Washington University Institute of Public Health.  Bronze level sponsors included: Incarnate Word Foundation, John and Monique Head, MTM, Reliance Bank and SJ Boller & Associates.


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