March Quarterly Meeting Update

by | Mar 28, 2018 | News

The Quarterly was a step toward engaging our partners around racial equity. We shared our North Star, New Vision and Mission and encouraged participants to take this information back to their organizations.

From David Dwight, Forward Through Ferguson

When we work in silos racial equity falls through the cracks. He shared that programs are great for meeting the immediate needs of folks but are not good for generational change which is impacted by systems change. Forward Through Ferguson has four Core Principles: (1) Racial Equity Lens; (2) Radical Collaboration; (3) Radical Listening; (4) Policy and Systems Work. David shared their long term vision of a racially equitable St. Louis by 2039. They have coined the hashtag #STL2039 which represents 25years after the death of Michael Brown Jr. and signifies one generation. We engaged in a visioning activity where we closed our eyes and imagined a racially equitable St. Louis. They are going to be hosting listening session and collecting the vision of a new St. Louis from 2,039 over the coming months.

3.15.18 Quarterly Coalition Meeting Power Point

Forward Through Ferguson Slides Quarterly Coalition Meeting


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