FLOURISH Named a What’s Right with the Region Honoree

by | Feb 24, 2020 | Community Leaders Cabinet, Racial Equity

We are excited to announce that FLOURISH has been selected as a What’s Right with the Region honoree. This program from FOCUS St. Louis recognizes 20 individuals, organizations and initiatives who are making a significant difference in the St. Louis region.

FLOURISH was selected for this recognition for several reasons:

  • Our collective impact model. Generate Health, FLOURISH’s backbone organization, has brought community members and systems leaders, like hospitals and public health, transportation providers, nonprofits, social service organizations, and policymakers, to the same table to address the complex challenges that no single organization could tackle alone.
  • Our racial equity approach. We are committed to achieving our North Star: Zero racial disparities in infant mortality in 2033.
  • Our community-centered leadership. Community voice has been critical to every phase of our work, but the evolution to our Community Leaders Cabinet (CLC) really sets us apart. These community members are passionately speaking on behalf of their neighborhoods and identifying where we should prioritize efforts – including awarding sizeable grants to nonprofits and community groups that provide specific services the CLC believes are most needed for Black families.

“We are very grateful to the many individuals and organizations who have been involved with FLOURISH over the past several years,” said Kendra Copanas, executive director at Generate Health. “We hope that this recognition of our collective work will help more people learn and get involved, so every Black baby can celebrate a happy and healthy first birthday.”

FLOURISH and the other honorees will be recognized at the 23rd Annual What’s Right with the Region Awards Celebration on May 7. Tickets are available online at www.focus-stl.org/WRWR.


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