Last Thursday was the last Quarterly Coalition Session of the year. This year’s series was titled “Crucial Conversations: Maternal Health, Do You Really Listen?” Our featured speaker, Sue Kendig’s presentation was titled “Women’s Health and Health Equity in Policy and Practice,” and she explored this topic through shifting the narrative from solely on health and disparities in infant health to focus on the mother, whose health is inextricably linked to her baby’s.
Sue stressed the importance of a holistic approach to maternal health and mortality. This means disaggregating data to see stark racial disparities in maternal health and mortality. It also means understanding maternal health and vitality outcomes encompass both physical and mental health conditions, and must consider a mother’s experiences both before and after her pregnancy and birth.
Finally, Sue highlighted two organizations- Council on Patient’s Safety in Women’s Health and AIM (Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health), which are both working to provide safe maternal care to women and reduce harm and disease.
Attendees discussed and reported out on health policy in their own organizations and what they could do to get their organization more involved in this sector.
Thank you Sue for sharing your knowledge with us and closing our final Quarterly session.
Many attendees also participated in our 20th anniversary photo booth! Click here to see photos from the session.