mpowering COVID-19 Response: Flourish Awards $189,000+ in Just Eight Weeks. Learn how dedicated groups are making a difference.

by | Jul 8, 2020 | Funding

In the first three weeks that FLOURISH offered the COVID-19 Response Fund, it awarded nearly $88,000 to local nonprofit organizations and community groups that were actively filling critical gaps for Black families. After eight weeks, FLOURISH has awarded over $189,000 to go toward supporting families in need.  

Although the city slowly continues to reopen, the effects of the pandemic persist, especially for Black families who already experience health inequities and economic hardships,” said Brian Washington, manager of planning and partnerships at Generate Health. “We can’t thank these community groups enough for their continued dedication and support in serving their communities in need.” 

The awarded nonprofit organizations and community groups received a total up to $5,000 each and filled these critical gaps for Black families during this time by providing essential baby supplies, housing and utility assistance and virtual health services.  

Food, Baby Supplies and Other Essential Items

Affinia Healthcare: Distributing breastfeeding support care packages to women in Affinia’s WIC program. 

African Diaspora Council: Providing Uber/Lyft cards to pregnant families with transportation barriers and assisting families with food, toiletries and infant supplies like diapers and formula. 

A Red CircleDelivering food, diapers and formula to prenatal and postpartum parents in North St. Louis County. 

Butterfly Haven: Providing toiletry items to children and families impacted by foster care and crisis situations. 

Freedom Arts and Education Center: Support will launch the Freedom Arts Academy to provide healthy food and art supplies to youth art scholars. 

Jennings 4th Ward Strong: Will provide food, toiletries, hygiene products, books, family games, craft and educational care packages delivered to families residing in Jennings fourth ward and will deliver weekly Sunday dinners to families. 

Mission St. LouisConducting “essential drives” every two weeks to provide for immediate, essential needs of families including food, diapers, household supplies and activity kits for youth. 

Our Lady’s Inn: Providing formula and diapers to participants in the Aftercare program which provides ongoing support for women and families who have completed a residential program and have moved into independent housing. 

Park Central Development: Will supplement the Kindness Groceries outreach program to include essential household items like toiletries, cleaning supplies, paper products and infant supplies for Black pregnant and parenting families residing in neighborhoods north of Delmar Boulevard, including Academy/Sherman Park, Fountain Park, Lewis Place and West End. 

Reliant Church: To provide food and household supplies to families during the summer months when access to other resources may be limited. 

Riverview West Florissant Development Corporation: Distributing weekly food boxes, toiletries, educational resources, mental health referrals and other resources to pregnant and parenting families. 

St. Louis Doulas of Color Collective: Providing families with postpartum care packages to support health and healing of moms and babies. 

The Access Foundation: Providing weekly food and diaper deliveries to new parents in St. Louis city. 

Urban Sproutswill offer drive-thru pickup of supplies including diapers, wipes, formula and food for children and families enrolled at Urban Sprouts to ensure continued care and support. 

Housing and Utility Assistance

Big Brothers Big Sisters: Will provide financial assistance to families enrolled in their mentoring program to support family stability during a time of job loss and financial hardship for families. 

Gift of Dreams: Providing essential household and personal care items, emergency financial assistance and housing relief to families in St. Louis city. 

God’s Helping Hand: Providing food, supplies and rent and utility assistance in The Ville neighborhood. 

Helping Hand Me Downs: Supporting families in the 24:1 footprint with rental assistance and car repairs for women returning to work. 

Legal Services of Eastern MissouriOffering financial support to Black pregnant and parenting families currently receiving legal assistance to be used toward client bills (rent, utilities, phone/internet) 

United 4 Children: Will provide financial assistance to licensed childcare centers and in-home providers to address critical gaps to support the health and well being of children including critical supplies, addressing transportation barriers to allow families access to essential items, purchasing recommended personal protective equipment, addressing payroll gaps for providers and supporting families material needs 

Virtual Health Services

Family Care Health CentersCommunity Health Workers will screen for social determinants of health of Black pregnant and parenting families to provide material support identified by families as priority needs 

Midtown Community Services: Providing mental health support services and virtual group therapy services to families in the Family PRIDE program. 

The pandemic and its impacts are far from over, and FLOURISH intends to continue to help St. Louis’ Black families during this challenging time. The next round of applications is due by noon on Wednesday, July 15 and will continue every week until funding runs out. Visit the COVID-19 Response Fund for more information.


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