Crucial Conversations: Maternal Health; “Do You Really Listen?” Generate Health Quarterly Coalition Meeting – June 20

by | May 13, 2019 | News

Crucial Conversations: Maternal Health; “Do You Really Listen?”

Generate Health Quarterly Coalition Meeting

Guest Speaker: Ebony Boyce Carter, MD, MPH

Prenatal care is accepted as an important public health intervention with many notable achievements in the last century; but, the benefits of these achievements are not realized fairly or equitably by women across the United States. Most reproductive health interventions targeting health disparities have had disappointing results, and some have even worsened disparities by preferentially improving outcomes for those who are already doing well.  Prenatal care, as currently conceptualized and practiced in the United States, does not have the capacity to make the radical changes that are necessary to achieve health equity for all women and their babies; but, there is one potentially notable exception.  Group prenatal care has emerged as a promising model that may preferentially improve outcomes for African American women.  The evidence for the impact of group prenatal care on reproductive outcomes for African American women will be the focus of this talk.

Thursday June 20, 2019


The Heights
8001 Dale Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63117



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