FIMR 10 Year Report
Dear Reader:
We are pleased to provide you with this document that reflects 10 years of work examining records related to the loss of a baby in our region through the Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR). CLICK HERE FOR REPORT
This 10 Year FIMR Report is a historical document that summarizes information from 2003-2013. It is important to note that the social, environmental, and medical conditions that FIMR examined have changed since this data was collected and recommendations were made.
At its inception, the St. Louis FIMR program worked within a framework that was primarily focused on the mothers and their individual behaviors. We now have a greater understanding of the social and societal determinants of health and their impact on the health of women in our region. These determinants can either enable or prohibit access to quality medical care and social services, as well as support or deter families from engaging in healthy behaviors.
The differential rates of fetal and infant deaths, as well as other contributing factors, by race and location (city/county) that are found in St. Louis reflect systemic issues that cross multiple sectors of our society. As such, current and future FIMR and Generate Health efforts will focus on systemic changes and the impact of social determinants of health.
Kendra Copanas
Executive Director
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