Social Determinants of Health

Our Social Determinants of Health Tour is an experiential learning tour that gives health care providers and others insight into the historic, social, and economic factors that have shaped parts of the St. Louis region. The tour also discusses the impact of racism and racial disparities’ impact on family health, while building providers’ understanding and empathy for the community members they serve and the challenges they encounter in their everyday lives. The goal of the tour is to increase participants’ understanding of and sensitivity to the lives and perspectives of patients and families from the communities visited and others like them in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of care.
Nursing students, pediatric residents, public health students and community leaders have benefitted from seeing in-person the lack of access to services and resources that families face. Through our “Train the Trainer” program, University of Missouri St. Louis College of Nursing, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and Barnes-Jewish Hospital have been trained to give the tour to their staff members.
Stay tuned for future opportunities to engage with the Social Determinants of Health tour!
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